6 Steps to Manifestation That Serves a Greater Good (and Why the Law of Attraction is Bunk)

6 Steps to Manifestation That Serves a Greater Good (and Why the Law of Attraction is Bunk)

on Jan 12, 2011 in Livelihood+Financial Liberation | 8 comments

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Photo by McKay Savage (Creative Commons) http://www.flickr.com/photos/mckaysavage/


Manifestation is the process of bringing into reality that which we envision. It’s a word that often pops up in New Age-y kinds of contexts, and for that reason I was suspicious of it for a long time. But I’m starting to realize that it’s a key component in living a liberated life. And it doesn’t have to be selfish.

In recent years, I’ve surprised myself at my ability to conjure up some things that I have wished for. I don’t mean this in a magical way, though sometimes it can feel like that. It’s more that I’ve gotten clearer at understanding what is my heart’s deepest desire, and then that thing soon appears in my life. This has happened in the form of very rewarding freelance projects that emerged from seemingly out of nowhere, and friendships and relationships which were completely unexpected.

But it wasn’t always like this. I remember feeling like it used to take years, if ever, to “get what I wanted.”

How is it that manifestation sometimes happens so magically and easily, and other times we have to struggle with every ounce of our might to birth something into the world?

One writer who I appreciate on this topic is philosopher and author David Spangler. He makes a distinction between manifestation and its shallow twin, “The Law of Attraction,” as made famous in the vapid movie “The Secret.” (Okay, I admit I never saw the movie, but I saw the preview and it was vapid.)

The problem with the Law of Attraction, as I see it, is that it tends to be a self-centered exercise in trying to get what we want, like lots of money, a beach home, or the perfect lover. (Is there a perfect lover? Have you found one yet?) It exists to the exclusion of other people.

In contrast, Spangler writes,

Manifestation… can be an opportunity, no matter how trivial the desire, to explore connections, patterns, alignments, and the flow of both material and spiritual energy through your life. When you make manifestation a spiritual practice, then the perspectives it brings overflow into other aspects of your life. You begin naturally seeing yourself and your world in terms of interconnected and co-incarnational [mutually evocative and co-creative] patterns. The reality of the community in which we all live becomes more apparent. The vision of your incarnation becomes broader, more ecological, more compassionate.”

That’s a lot of big words. The way I understand this, it translates into a fairly simple question: What kind of environment/people/work will help me to be able to offer my greatest gifts to the world?

Manifestation, in contrast to the Law of Attraction, is all about the greater good, not simply our own tiny universe.

I’ve been playing around with what this might look like and, after much trial and error I’ve come up with Six Steps for Manifestation. Give ’em a try… I’d love to know how they work for you.

6 Steps for Manifestation


1) Identify your “Manifestation Project”
What is it that you want to focus on bringing into your life? This could be a nurturing place to live, or a better job, or even a partner or lover. But just be aware that the next phase of the process is intended to connect you to a greater good, so be ready to let go of any fantasies you have that aren’t able to open up to this larger field. In other words, wanting to have an iPad just because it’s cool won’t work here.

2) Go through a process of inquiry
Get out your journal and write on the following questions, in relation to whatever your manifestation project is. Notice that we start big with these questions, then get down to specifics.

  • What is truly important to me in my life? What do I value?
  • What kind of change do I want to see in the world?
  • How can I contribute to this change? What are my unique gifts that I can contribute to this change
  • What kind of [work, home environment, partner, etc.] do I need to support me to offer this gift to the world?
  • How do I want to feel when I am [in my home, with my partner, working…etc]?

Be very descriptive as you answer these questions. Use lots of adjectives.

3) Brainstorm concrete steps that you can take to do your part in this manifestation process
Ask yourself: What can I do to create the conditions for this alchemy to take place? For example: Put out the word to friends that I am looking for a new home. Or: Take classes to develop my skills as a writer. Manifestation is not a passive process… it requires effort on your part. (Although there is a receptive quality to it, which shows up in step #5)

4) Take action
Pick at least one of the steps that you generated in the brainstorm step above and put it into motion.

5) Wait–and be receptive to grace, surprise, and the generosity of the universe
You never know how long this process will take. The timing is not in our hands. The exact form is also not in our hands. You may become clear that you really do need to move out of your leaking basement apartment and find a home with more light and space in order to shine in your world. But wouldn’t it be great if the surprise was that you landed up on a houseboat?

A ritual to one of your favorite deities couldn’t hurt… I’ve found that for me, the Hindu elephant god Ganesha always helps.

6) Final step: Gratitude
When the manifestation is successful, don’t forget to express thanks and gratitude. This is critical… the energy field responds to gratitude as well as to lack of it. It’s possible to undo a wonderful manifestation by neglecting this step, so be mindful! And it’s possible to build on the momentum of manifestation through your gratitude.

I love the way that astrologer Rob Brezsny sums up the big-hearted nature of this process:

You can have anything you want if you’ll just ask for it in an unselfish way. The trick to making this work is to locate where your deepest ambition coincides with the greatest gift you have to give. Figure out exactly how the universe, by providing you with abundance, can improve the lot of everyone whose life you touch. Seek the fulfillment of your fondest desires in such a way that you become a fount of blessings.”

I’m curious to hear about your experiences with manifestation…


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  1. I’m a big believer in the ability to manifest if you know what you’re doing, and you’ve outlined the key steps well. Thank you.

    I’m also glad to hear you marry the concept to the greater good.

    However, the way I understand law of attraction is that it is a very real scientific concept that like attracts like. And it’s a fundamental ingredient in manifestation. It doesn’t imply anything about greater good or not. It’s simply a concept about like attracts like.

    It sounds like Spangler is talking about how people use law of attraction for shallow purposes.

    I agree that The Secret was shallow in its focus on material things, but that wasn’t all of it. I attempted to cover the manifestation steps, only it was overly simplistic and left too many people confused and also feeling inadequate or bad like you described. So, yes, the movie was flawed but I never connected that flaw to the concept of law of attraction itself.

    I’m curious what you think of this. I haven’t read Spangler.

    Lastly, I would add to #5 that we have to be open to signs and follow them. The universe often answers with small signs of where to go next but we often miss the boat while assuming the answer will be one big complete answer all at once.

    Thank you! I hope to write a blog post soon that is related and I will try to remember to link to this.

    Val Nelson

    January 18, 2011

    • woops, meant to say “It attempted” instead of “I attempted” when referring to The Secret in 5th paragraph.

      Val Nelson

      January 18, 2011

    • Val, thanks so much for adding your thoughts into this mix. I guess I have a hard time with the Law of Attraction perhaps because of guilt by association… so often it gets interpreted by people who seem to have a short-sighted, self-centered view of its utility. It’s interesting to consider that it is perhaps neutral in and of itself, and kind of like the Law of Gravity in that it simply just is.

      Would love to read your post on the subject…. let us know when it’s up!

      Maia Duerr

      February 7, 2011

  2. thanks maia for making these distinctions. just watched a video last evening of stephen and ondrea levine teaching from many years back about the belief that we ‘create our own reality’. stephen pointed out the utter lack of compassion & kindness contained in that statement. but that kind of new age hubris sells alotta books, dvds, and workshops, and leaves people suffering from a good deal of guilt when they cannot ‘un-create’ their cancer or their unemployment, or their abusive situations magically. as if we dont already suffer enough!


    January 13, 2011

  3. Thank you for outlining this, Maia. The active but open process is something I’ve been fumbling my way toward. It’s an especially helpful reminder to me to reflect on the gifts I have to give. Most often I don’t see them as gifts. More like inconvenient impulses. (To write; to critique; to seek paths other than the ones laid out for me.) 🙂

    I have a feeling that the very act of reading this new website is bound up and interwoven with my search for a livelihood (or series of them) that best serves the common good, using what I have to offer. Yep, I’m getting some strong co-incarnational vibes from LLP. 😉

    Thanks again. Hope you are having fun with elephants.

    Katie Loncke

    January 12, 2011

    • Katie, from the little bit that I’ve seen so far, you have tremendous gifts to offer! Reading your comment and your reflection on your gifts, I’m reminded of a line in Herman Hesse’s novel, Siddhartha, where Sid has to explain what his skills are — “I can think, I can wait, I can fast.” And oh yes, he remembers he can also write. These turn out to be invaluable gifts to offer. See http://www.online-literature.com/hesse/siddhartha/6/

      Good luck in your own livelihood search… keep us posted!

      Maia Duerr

      January 15, 2011

  4. I agree that the ‘Law of Attraction” is deeply flawed as many people present it. However, one need simply look at the term ‘manifest’ to see the truth. Mani= hands, fest= produce or manufacture. Manifest means to bring to fruition through one’s efforts. There is nothing magical about it, it is simply the reality of our current paradigm. As was explained to me by a wise man, if humans had the power to instantly manifest things, we might create vast wealth, but would we not also get rather weary of the monsters we create as well? Creation demands great concentration, and for good reason. Time allows us to consider the potential ramifications of our creations as we work toward their realization. Belief is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for creating anything. After all, why would anyone invest their time, energy and resources unless they truly believe in their mission? Thank you for these steps. It is very helpful to have a guide to help us clarify our motives and to have regular opportunities to anticipate potential consequences of our efforts.


    January 12, 2011

    • Natalie, thanks for bringing in the etymology of “manifestation” — I always love knowing the root meaning of words.

      Maia Duerr

      January 15, 2011


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