

The Liberated Life Project offers inspiration for
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Radical Kindness

Posted by on 12:34 pm in Spirit, World We Live In | 2 comments

photo by Katya Lesher /

photo by Katya Lesher /

Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better. 
~Maya Angelou

This is an intense time. In almost any space I step into, whether it’s in-person or virtual, it feels to me that people are extremely charged up. Have you noticed that too?


How to Be an Anthropologist

Posted by on 3:59 pm in World We Live In | 2 comments



It’s World Anthropology Day. Who knew there was such a thing?

What a great excuse to celebrate one of the ingredients that has been so transformative in my life.

You may have noticed that the short version of my bio says that I’m “an anthropologist, writer, and Zen practitioner on a mission to cultivate compassion, awareness, and social transformation.”

But what’s that anthropology thing about, exactly?


Maia’s 2015 Annual Report

Posted by on 10:08 pm in Livelihood+Financial Liberation | 1 comment


To begin…

I want to thank Susan Piver (meditation teacher, author, and founder of the Open Heart Project) for inspiring this report. A few days ago I came across her brilliant review of her past year and remembered that I used to create reports like that for nonprofit organizations.

Reading through Susan’s report, a couple of lightbulbs went on above my head:

  • Yes! I want to share my reflections on this past year with my tribe. I want to celebrate the good stuff, harvest the lessons learned, and invite you into imagining where things could go.
  • Yes… I understand the challenge and the joy of offering spiritual teachings and practices in the context of a ‘business.’ I haven’t quite figured it out yet either, and I want to be open about that process because it’s probably relevant to lots of other folks. And we all have something to learn from each other.

What you see here is the result of paying attention to those lightbulbs. While this review comes from my own life and work, I hope that in the end it’s not “all about me” and that you’ll find something to apply to your own life and work.
