Beginnings. . . Livelihood and Financial Liberation

Beginnings. . . Livelihood and Financial Liberation

on Nov 25, 2010 in Livelihood+Financial Liberation | 1 comment

There are people who have money and people who are rich.
—Coco Chanel

I’m not making this stuff up out of the blue, folks. Everything I pour into the Liberated Life Project comes out of my own hard-learned and hard-earned life lessons. One of the most difficult was finding my way out of $32,000 of credit card debt. I accumulated that debt over about four years; it took me twice that long to pay off (more about that another time). Numerous times I thought of taking the easy route and declaring bankruptcy, but I realized that I’d very likely repeat the same patterns and choices that got me into that mess in the first place.

I came to learn that liberating myself from debt was a path into a whole new way of living, one in which I was much more empowered. The surprising thing was that the empowerment extended way beyond money though that was the starting point.

Learning how to work skillfully with my livelihood and finances has become a way for me to break all kinds of old patterns and to live a more full life. I may not have bucketloads of money but I have a sense of sufficiency—and that is even more important. As Coco would say, I’m rich.

We often peg our hopes and dreams onto our work and our financial situation, and then blame the fact that we can’t fulfill those dreams on not having enough. “If only I had this job…” “If only I had more money…”

This corner of the Liberated Life Project will give you lots of practical tools and ideas to play with around finances and livelihood. But most importantly, we’ll work together to free ourselves from the delusions that so often crop up around money and work, and explore what it means to truly be rich.

    1 Comment

  1. Yep, money is a hugely charged (no pun intended) topic. I often think of Doug Adam’s protagonist in “Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy” who, from the perspective of outer galaxies, looks at earthlings and concludes they spend all their time “chasing after green bits of paper.” It is a game and, unfortunately, creates much distress here on earth. Learning how to appreciate the game and be empowered in it (not run scared from it) is key to peace of mind. I look forward to hearing more from your experience. This is good stuff!

    Aysha Griffin

    December 2, 2010

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