Your Turn: Reader Survey
“Listening is a form of receiving. It’s essential to living safely, and living in tune with your environment. Yet listening is as much about giving as it is receiving: the listener gives his or her attention. It’s a subtle act of devotion.”
~Eric Francis Coppolino
Today, dear reader, I am devoted to you.
Next month, the LLP will celebrate its second birthday. That wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for all of you. I am one of those folks who simply cannot write in a vacuum… I thrive on the communication loop that brings me into connection with you and inspires me to share my writing here every week.
I’ll be doing a number of things to celebrate this blog’s birthday in November, including some great book giveaways. Before that, though, I would love to hear from all of you about your experience of this web space, and what will support you in your own journey toward liberation.
I’ve created this 9-question survey to give you a chance to tell me your thoughts. I am eager to listen. It’s also fine to leave a comment below too.
And most important of all, I am deeply grateful to you for taking this journey along with me.