The Dharma of Money



The Dharma of Money:
Dana Paramita as a Path of Liberation

With Maia Duerr

Money is a powerful force in our lives but we rarely view it through the lens of Zen practice. This workshop will give us tools and perspectives to take our practice off the cushion and into the marrow of our everyday life.

This daylong workshop will include zazen as well as experiential work to explore how we practice with the paramita of dana (generosity), both toward ourselves and toward others. We will consider how we relate to money as an object of our practice, and how it can be a vehicle to empower people and causes (and how it can cause harm).

Everyone is welcome… no prior meditation experience is needed! Basic meditation instruction will be given at the start of the day.


About the teacher:

inMaezensGarden-cropMaia Duerr has been practicing meditation since 1994 and has been a member of the San Francisco Zen Center Community since 2001. In 2008 she received jukai from her teacher, Shosan Vicki Austin, and she was ordained as a lay Buddhist minister by Roshi Joan Halifax in 2012. Maia is deeply committed to cultivating awareness, compassion, and social justice. In her own life, she has practiced with more than $30,000 of credit card debt (which she eventually paid off), in the process transforming her own relationship to money.


Interested in having Maia offer this workshop at your sangha? Contact me here.


 “Enso2” by Zenwhat (talk) 03:03, 13 January 2008 (UTC) –  Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons –