Sharing the Love…

Sharing the Love…

on May 14, 2011 in World We Live In | 0 comments

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
—Mother Teresa

One of the foundations of The Liberated Life Project is that our engagement with the world is an avenue for our own liberation… you can get the gist of that in this post from a while back: How to Be Bigger Than Your Suffering: Lessons from a Buddhist Monk.

I’m happy to announce that Liberated Life Project readers now have a chance to partner with Love Drop, a micro-giving network of people who come together to make a difference in the lives of one person or family each month.

You can give as little as $1.00, and it can make a big difference because we’re all doing it together. At the end of every month, the Love Drop team shows up in the town the families live in and present them with everything the team raised — all the money, the gifts, whatever the community helped get.

This is a new monthly feature on The Liberated Life Project; I’ll post the information about the Love Drop project around the 15th of each month as well as all the ways you can help out. Then I’ll share the outcome in the following month.

Here is this month’s project:

The Stalnakers are a family who, along with thousands of others along the Gulf Coast, are still reeling from the effects of the BP oil spill. Our goal is to get them a reliable car. Their previous two cars have died, and it’s getting harder and harder for them to manage with the one they’re currently borrowing. They’ve been giving back to their community since they moved in, and now it’s time for US to help them!

Want to help? Here are three ways you can participate:

1.  Help them get a car! – Our #1 goal is to give the Stalnakers a reliable used car in decent working order. If you have any leads, discounts, or connections in this area, please email Love Drop and let them know.

2.  Give $1.00 – This money will help get them back on their feet, and relieve some financial burden. Every dollar counts!

3.  Give a gift or service – Gift cards are always helpful. Places like Target, Wal-mart, restaurants, etc., would definitely help them out. Services too – especially those you can offer yourselves, or from your company.

Please take a look at the video below to hear more about the Stalnakers’ story. Thanks, everyone…We’ll let you know how it goes next month!


  1. On Finding Your Voice | The Liberated Life Project - [...] out about the Stalnaker family in Louisiana and their need for a car through last month’s Love Drop post…
  2. Put Your Love in Action | The Liberated Life Project - [...] network of bloggers who come together each month to help out a family or individual in great need. Last…

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