The Liberated Life Project offers inspiration for
personal and collective liberation.
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The Liberated Life Project offers inspiration for
personal and collective liberation.
Find your guide to the best of the LLP right here.
photo: Katya Lesher (
Damnit, it happened again.
I walked by a circle of stones I had created near an arroyo close to my home and noticed that someone had taken it apart. For the fourth time this month.
This circle, a kind of medicine wheel, has been my way of connecting with the four directions and elements; of remembering the power of earth, air, water, and fire. It’s a practice that was inspired by watching my friend Katya do this on the land we lived on a few years ago, and before that by another friend Sangsuree, who was the very embodiment of that power of the elements.
So here I was, on my morning walk with Lucy when I noticed that some mysterious person had removed the stones I had so carefully arranged – yet again. Some of the rocks were quite large and heavy. This person had gone to the trouble of lifting them up and carrying or throwing them across the arroyo. They had also removed all the smaller stones that encircled the tree trunk at the center of this circle.
This annual report is a way to share what I’m celebrating in my body of work, as well as intentions for this new year. As always, I write these reports not to toot my own horn (though I suppose a bit of that is okay!), but to serve as a model for the importance of reflection in a business — and in life.
As I sit down to write this year’s edition, the Indian parable of the elephant and the six blind men comes to mind. In the story, each man comes into contact with a different part of the elephant – the tail, trunk, ear, belly, tusk, and leg. And each thinks it’s a different object or animal, depending on what part of the elephant he is perceiving. In a similar way, many of you know different aspects of me and my work – writer, consultant, coach, facilitator, teacher. You may look at my Facebook posts and other things I send out the world and wonder, “What the heck is she up to now?!” I hope this report gives you a more of the full picture of who I am and what I’m doing. I hope you’ll be able to see the whole elephant : )
Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.
We must hold each other tight and continue to pull back the veil.
–Adrienne Maree Brown
The unthinkable has happened… a Trump presidency is on its way. While most of us didn’t believe that a Clinton presidency was the answer to everything, it did seem to hold at least a certain sense of stability, of knowing the ground we stand on. That ground no longer exists.
Or at least that’s one way of seeing it. From another viewpoint, this is the ground we’ve been standing on the whole time—a country that was founded, yes, on lofty and admirable principles enshrined in the Constitution, but also on genocide and slavery.
All of this is true of these United States. And more.
Our karma is deep, and it is complicated.