Interview with Chris Guillebeau

Interview with Chris Guillebeau

on May 15, 2012 in Livelihood+Financial Liberation | 16 comments

Chris Guillebeau hanging out with a friend in Thailand

Chris Guillebeau hanging out with a friend in Thailand

NOTE: This book giveaway is now over, but you may be interested in my online course: “Fall in Love with Your Work” Click here to learn more…

If you’ve been going through life as a sleepwalker, it’s time to wake up.
The journey begins right now.

~ Chris Guillebeau

You’ve gotta love a guy who has made it his mission to visit all 193 countries on the planet before his 35th birthday and who’s got a cat named Libby (short for “The Liberator”) for his office assistant.

But Chris Guillebeau is also genuinely devoted to helping people succeed in bringing more freedom into their life, especially when it comes to work.

I first became familiar with Chris when I signed up for his “Empire Building Kit” two years ago. I can testify that experience made a huge difference in my life and it inspired me to start The Liberated Life Project. Later that year, Chris’s first book, The Art of Nonconformity, was published.

This month, Chris’s second book is out:  The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future. This new book is filled to the brim with all kinds of great information distilled from a survey that Chris did with 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less). In Chris’s words, it’s a “blueprint for change and action.” And it’s getting rave reviews.

Chris was kind enough to give me an “interview-ette” to celebrate the launch of The $100 Startup and to share some of his thoughts about freedom and liberation.

Interview with Chris

Maia: Last month on the Liberated Life Project, we explored the idea of creating a “liberation-based livelihood,” which I defined as one in which your work is an expression of your core intention. Chris, what would you say is your core intention or your mission statement for your life?

Chris: I like your definition. For me, the core intention would be to live a life of grateful adventure. I want to challenge myself to learn, live, and give more. I want to love what I do and say yes to things that excite me. I want to be a part of something significant, and I want to create.

Maia: How do you define liberation or freedom in your own life?

Chris: Continuously improving myself. Making choices based on my own preferences and priorities, while also actively working toward something that makes the world a better place.

Maia: Back when you started up your first business, what were the biggest hurdles you had to get over — both internal (like your own fears or other thoughts and emotions) and external? How did you get beyond these?

Chris: Internal obstacles are always the most challenging. When I first started my own business, I didn’t know I was “going into business”—I just needed a way to pay the bills, and I wasn’t a good employee. So I was scared, yes, but I removed all other options. It simply had to work. When you shift to that imperative, funny enough, many of the obstacles are no longer relevant.

Maia: What would you say to someone who is now in that same position and starting on their own path toward more liberated work? What’s the most important thing you’ve learned about taking a first step toward a more liberating work situation?

Chris: Most people won’t be in the situation I was in, at least not at first. Most people are more like those who write in from a cubicle and say, “I hate my job but I’m afraid to leave it.” In those cases, my advice is, OK, fine–don’t leave it.

But if you really want to create your own freedom, spend your free time working on the business or liberating work situation. We all make time for what’s important to us, and everyone is busy. So if it matters, take those steps. Brainstorm your idea. Develop it into a specific offer as soon as possible. Get a one-page website up, even if it’s terrible. Just do something.

Maia: Thank you, Chris!

How to Win a Copy of The $100 Startup


100UPDATE: As of Sunday, May 20th, we’ve got a winner… thanks to all who entered! Here’s the link to order The $100 Startup.

As Chris said, the first step toward a more liberated livelihood is to simply take that first step. And perhaps that’s entering this contest and getting this great book.

Here’s how it works. You can get up to three entries in this contest:

1) Write a comment below and let me know what your biggest question is about finding more freedom in your own work situation. Or just tell me how you think Chris’s book might help you.

2) If you want an extra chance to win, sign up to be a member of “Team Liberation”, and then leave a comment below to let me know you’ve done that. If you’re already a subscriber, leave a comment to that effect.

3) And if you want an extra-extra chance to win, tweet the following: RT @LLProject Win a copy of #$100Startup by @chrisguillebeau Enter here! And then leave a comment below to let me know you tweeted.

Contest deadline: Sunday, May 20, 6 pm (EST). I’ll choose the winner in a random drawing from all the comments below, and ship the book to you within a week. If you’re not a winner or if you’re eager to get the book now, you can order it here. Good luck!


  1. This was a great interview! This says it all: “Internal obstacles are always the most challenging.” It really speaks to where I am at right now. Thank you, Maia and Chris. Darn, I missed the book giveaway! I think I will need to buy this one!

  2. Hi everyone,

    It’s Sunday night, post-eclipse, May 20th, and we have a winner! Thanks to all of you who entered this contest and for your comments above. As always, everyone is a winner in my book!

    And you may be interested to know about the first-ever Liberated Life Project online course that I’m developing on this topic: “Fall in Love with Your Work: A 30-Day Adventure.” More details here:

    Maia Duerr

    May 20, 2012

  3. Thanks to a tweet I learned about your site and Chris’ book. His book is EXACTLY what I need right now as get out of the 9-5 prison. I’m not surrounded by like-minded people so need to find inspiration and encouragement. Also sent tweet out in hopes others find you too!


    May 20, 2012

  4. Hi Maia,

    I just joined Team Liberation. I am very excited about that, thank you!

    I love Chris work. I used to be “stuck in my box” of self-imposed limitations. I didn’t know what was possible because I wasn’t surrounded by people who lived infinite possibility, and I wasn’t one to explore much. Chris and others inspire me to explore, to embrace new and different, to shoot for the moon. And, I do, so of course, my entire life has changed! I love it, I love the excitement of living my dreams and learning and experimenting and now traveling…to have Chris book would be a wonderful resource as I continue to create through my site and in my life.


    May 20, 2012

  5. As I’m on a never neverending hunt for a job these days it’s probably time for me to take myself seriously and learn some new skills about how to start this all. I really struggle with the feeling that what I love to do wouldn’t be valued by others in a community. It’s a strange feeling when I know I value arts, education and community collaboration space. If I could do anything at all in the world I would write children’s book and make educational kid’s media housed in a community arts space and youth bookstore. Basically, at the root, a used children’s bookstore with me as a curator and workshop leader. I think it would be great to lead mediation workshops through storytime reading circles. I suppose my first steps are to develop the curriculm and idea more but I don’t know how to fully picture leading it all as my own business.

    Great to know about this new book. All my web friends are recommending it.


    May 19, 2012

  6. Just re-tweeted (5/19) your message. Hope it’s useful both to LLP & Chris G.


    May 19, 2012

  7. I’ve already taken the step of leaving my corporate job to start my own freelance business. My next step is to transition from that work–which is still in the field in which I used to work in-house–to work that’s more aligned with my values and my passions: helping midlife women overcome their fears about midlife transitions and set the stage for more fulfilling lives. I know that Chris’s book will offer enough inspiration to motivate me and many others to “stay the course” and hold fast to our dreams.


    May 19, 2012

  8. I’m already a Team Liberation member. I’ve been trying to work on my liberation business, which is called The Sad Cafe Community (for wounded healers who are missing the spiritual aspects of their work. I have a fairly wide network which has been encouraging me to an extent, but I keep feeling that something is missing. Very few want to join me in the work, and I need to shake things up a bit for myself to keep from getting discouraged. Chris is really good at helping turn my perspective upside down, so I trust him to do it again!

    I’m going to tweet about this giveaway too!


    Lana Phillips

    May 17, 2012

  9. Ok, Maia — count me in! I signed up for Team Liberation, and sent the tweet. It’s all new to me — your terrific looking blog, Chris’ work — but looks fascinating and inspiring.

    Susan Gleason

    May 17, 2012

  10. Lovely interview, Maia! I’m such a huge fan of Chris – I think that’s even how I stumbled across LLP, following a link somewhere maybe. (I’m already a Team Liberation member.)

    I think my biggest question in my life right now is how to turn all the things I love doing (singing, and talking/writing about music) into something that people will pay me money for – and be enough to live on. I know it’s an evolving process, and I think I’m closer to doing what I love for a living than when I read Chris’ first book, but I’m also starting to feel a bit stuck. I’ve found something that works for now, but I don’t want to still be in the same place in 6-12 months. So I’m hoping that Chris’ book can help me look at things with a fresh perspective and generate new ideas about creating my own freedom. I’m sure I will get the $100 StartUp at some point, but if I win a copy, well that would be even more wonderful!

    Keep up the great work on the blog!

    Bronwyn Mitchell

    May 16, 2012

  11. What great timing Maia?! this interview with Chris Guillebeau as I’m driving to Houston, TX tomorrow to hear him speak about The $100 StartUp at Brazos Bookstore 7pm on his Book Tour (plus I’ll be bringing cupcakes, apparently ‘all flavors’ have been requested-lol?!) But I don’t need the book, have an early copy, reading madly, just thought I’d tell you I’m on the LLP Team & I’ve just tweeted the message for others to enter the contest…enjoy giving it away though–thanks much?!


    May 16, 2012

  12. Hey Maia..I would love to pass this book onto the Bavubaku foundation that i am working with in uganda who empower youth through the vehicle of hiphop, arts and media to connect with their unique voice of who they are and what they love and most recently set up an entrepreneur program to help them to create sustainable livelihoods from this foundation.. I am gonna send you a two pager via email that we are launching this summer..Campaign 1110.

    love your is amazing..i did by the book fire starters?? and it is one of the best books i have purchased ..ok look out for your email..

    Patti DeSante

    May 15, 2012

  13. A member of team liberation here.

    The challenge for me is to how to take my reputation as a technical “fire-fighter” – ie someone that goes in and fixes programs and projects that are in crisis – and extrapolate a meaningful business (likely consulting) that leverages the problem solving skills that are my apparent strength.

    Almost like a science technology coach but that’s certainly uncharted waters!


    May 15, 2012

  14. Biggest thing keeping me in my undesired job is health insurance for me and my daughter! Feels huge

    Diane Hetrick

    May 15, 2012

  15. As a member of Team Liberation, I enjoy and appreciate the wisdom you share. This book appeals to me as I recently reduced my hours (and income) at my J.O.B. in order to have time to move towards my goal of self-employment working as a counselor focused on loss, grief, aging and end of life issues. I have training, talent and passion but I need some inspiration and direction to keep moving forward- the closer I get the more I need support to move through and past the fear…! Thank you.


    May 15, 2012

  16. Looking forward to seeing you this week in Houston! Hope we get a chance to talk and maybe you could sign my book!

    Michael F Bertrand

    May 15, 2012

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