Freedom Friday: January 2012 Resource List

Freedom Friday: January 2012 Resource List

on Jan 27, 2012 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

The Freedom Friday list is a monthly round-up of resources to support your true freedom. I’m always happy to consider suggestions for future lists — drop me a line here!


Take Online Courses Through Sounds True
Sounds True, the Boulder-based multi-media publishing company, has recently started offering a number of online courses and events featuring some of their fantastic authors and speakers such as Caroline Myss, Sharon Salzberg, and Marshall Rosenberg. Some of the events cost a fee and others are completely free. Definitely worth checking out!

Virtual Support for Your Mindfulness Practice
If you have an at-home mindfulness or meditation practice, I highly recommend two “programs” from two of my favorite online friends. First, Shambhala meditation teacher Susan Piver offers “The Open Heart Project” – a series of emails and instructional videos to support your practice. Second, “awareness artist” Lisa Wilson has started “The Wild Elephant Project” – a fun and creative exploration of mindfulness in daily life, using practices based on the book by Jan Chozen Bays.


How to Become a Published Author
Are you a writer with a wonderful book that you’ve finished (or are in the process of writing), but you don’t know how to navigate the publishing maze to get it out into the world? Chris Guillebeau’s new Unconventional Guide to Publishing is the comprehensive solution to understanding how to get your book published in this current climate. Everything Chris produces is excellent – this guide is no exception.

A New Way to Learn: Free Skools
“Free Skools” are a radically different approach to living and learning. This is a grassroots educational project that blurs the lines between teacher, learner, and organizer. Free Skool is decentralized, with classes held in homes, social spaces, and parks. There are a growing number of Free Skools in the U.S. and Canada – take a look at this list to see if there’s one near you.


How to Keep Your Relationships Alive and Well
Marci Payne, creator of the blog Liberated Choices, wrote a great piece on emotional intimacy in relationships a couple of months ago. In it, she offers a five-step process to help re-kindle more intimacy into your relationship. Well worth reading.

The World We Live In

Join the Mindful living Revolution!
I was recently introduced to Deborah Eden Tull, a coach who helps people move toward more sustainable and mindful living. Deborah is launching an exciting initiative, the Mindful Living Revolution, a mindfulness-based experiential education project for the self, community, and environment. She’s inviting social investors to help her raise funds to take this project to the next level. Learn more here.

Living the Transformation
Another blogger that I just discovered is Lynn Fang of Upcycled Love. Lynn just released a new e-book called Living the Transformation: Reflections on Sustainable Simplicity and Conscious Transformation. It’s intended  “for those who are new to sustainability, who are interested in making conscious, sustainable changes in their lives, but frequently run into trouble, such as the fear-driven Resistance, or the feisty Inner Saboteur.” It looks great and I plan to pick up a copy.


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  1. Maia, I can’t say thank you in enough places!! These resources are all wonderful (I can get LOST on the Sounds True site…I can, and I have.). I look forward to checking out the rest!


    January 27, 2012

  2. Thanks so much for including me, Maia! I’m honored to be listed with such wonderful people. I love Sounds True and Susan Piver! Chris Guillebeau too has been an incredible inspiration to the world of blogging + lifestyle business. Deborah Eden Tull sounds like my kind of woman!!! I love what she is doing, thank you for introducing me to her. And I’m so glad we were able to connect! Looking forward to learning more about you + The Liberated Life Project 🙂

    Lynn Fang

    January 27, 2012

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