How to Be a Life Artist: A Creativity Manifesto

How to Be a Life Artist: A Creativity Manifesto

on Sep 25, 2012 in Creativity | 2 comments


Photo: Leland Francis

Every human is an artist And this is the main art that we have –
the creation of our STORY.

~Don Miguel Ruiz

Creativity. The brilliant capacity we are given as humans to look at things in a different way, to make something where nothing was before, to play. A powerful way to unfetter ourselves from constricting beliefs and emotional patterns.

I am not writing to please you. I am writing to speak my truth, whatever it is.

I am not writing to entertain you, nor to garner more visits to this website. I have to remind myself this because a lot of the time I do mindlessly use those as the motivators for my creative work here. So this is a call to myself to return to the root.

(This is me talking to myself, but you are welcome to listen if it sets your heart in the right direction.)

Set an intention. Return to love.

Light a candle. Clear yourself of preconceptions about what you should write. Be present to what wants to come through you in the form of words, whatever it is… however ugly, unpleasant, harsh… or beautiful.

You may not feel like writing. It doesn’t matter. Pick up your pen anyway. Turn on your computer anyway. (Or even better, turn it off.) Do it.

You create the world, your world.

Maybe through writing. Maybe for you it’s cooking. Maybe it’s painting. Maybe it’s poetry. Maybe it’s primal scream. It’s wherever you love so completely that ‘you’ disappear.

Whatever it is, you can change your reality in an instant. You can also recognize your current reality by writing on just what is. Without varnishing it in any way.

Just this, just here, just now. Cranky kids, burnt toast, beautiful sunset, barking dog, tense conversation, novel you got lost in, divine moment of quiet, warm wood floor beneath your feet. Fear, doubt, desire, futility, hilarity, anxiety, divinity.

Set your world on fire. Then shape it like earthy, oozy, muddy clay. Then fire it again until you get the glaze you seek. Then smash it.

Blessed be.

How about you? What do you want to create today?

I’d love to stay in touch with you! When you sign up for my mailing list, you’ll receive my monthly fully moon letter with reflections on life and liberation.



  1. Doing things we love so totally that we disappear is one of the most healing, strengthening things I’ve experienced. 🙂

    Shelly Immel

    September 25, 2012

    • I know, eh?! What are those things for you, Shelly?

      Maia Duerr

      September 25, 2012

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